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- Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:45 am
- Forum: Commercial Vendor Bargains and Deal
- Topic: $80-$100 OVER retail?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 35196
Re: $80-$100 OVER retail?
I'd have probably cancelled as soon as I found their handling fee. I'd give the packaging fee with that reasonable shipping but handling is part of the job. And when they refused the C&R would have sealed the un-deal. I have enough holes in my head already but even so I'd like to have the Taurus 8-shot .22WMR and the .327 revolver. Won't be coming from though, nor will anything else it appears.
- Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:59 pm
- Forum: Commercial Vendor Bargains and Deal
- Topic: $80-$100 OVER retail?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 35196
$80-$100 OVER retail?
I got an email from Taurus and went browsing. On a lark I clicked the buy button on the 327 revolver for and found it for $100 above the Taurus MSRP. The 942 in .22WMR was $80 above. (Or maybe reverse) Needless to say I've erased from any seller list I might keep. The Gun Dock has them for a generous $3 to $5 below MSRP. And Bud's doesn't carry either model apparently. GoG is out of stock. Surprise. $80-$100 over, I guess has an auto dealer advisor or something.