We have seen those situations on multiple episodes. I can't name a specific one but I know for one the husband/wife team have frequently cited for far less infractions than the total number exposed. Others have done the same, issuing warning citations when they could have issued a full citation and also issuing for whatever was the class C infraction when there were class B or even A as well.
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- Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:19 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Lone Star Law
- Replies: 17
- Views: 4293
Re: Lone Star Law
- Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:36 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Lone Star Law
- Replies: 17
- Views: 4293
Re: Lone Star Law
And I on the other hand see that in combination with only ticketing for 1 when there are multiple fish or whatever that each could and should be its own ticket and/or ticketing for the lowest value thing while issuing warnings for any other things. Also, in all cases that come to mind, they have already lied to begin with and if they had been truthful from the very beginning things might have turned out differently. Yes, good lessons alright.
- Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:30 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Lone Star Law
- Replies: 17
- Views: 4293
Re: Lone Star Law
They don't get rich doing it but with a few years experience the pay isn't bad.
- Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:58 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Lone Star Law
- Replies: 17
- Views: 4293
Lone Star Law
We recently discovered this program on the APL channel. It is interesting, showing various things the game wardens do to protect the natural resources of the state. If you've never watched it you might want to give one or two episodes a shot to see if you like it.