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by oljames3
Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:34 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: New to CCW
Replies: 12
Views: 47283

Re: New to CCW

Welcome to the forum, fellow Redditeer! You mentioned on Reddit that you were familiar with Warrior Poet Society. John Lovell has several videos on his YouTube channel discussing AIWB in general and the Tier 1 in particular. John Correia of Active Self Protection also carries appendix and has videos.

As Jusme said, I also carry an S&W M&P. Mine is M2.0 9mm 5inch. I want to carry a pistol having a long sight radius and 15+ capacity. This choice puts limits on how easily I can cover (not really conceal) my pistol. As with Jusme, my primary mode of carry is openly. Safariland 7TS ALS at 3 on a Kore Essentials leather gun belt.

My father carries his M&P M2.0 Compact 9mm 4inch in a Safariland 7TS ALS at 3, but usually covers it with a jacket. My youngest brother carries his M&P M2.0 Shield (with Crimson Trace) 9mm IWB in a Blade-Tec at 3. My 22-year-old son carries his M&P M2.0 Compact 9mm 4inch in a Bravo Concealment DOS IWB when he is concealing, and in a Safariland ALS drop leg holster when he is carrying openly.

I know two firearms instructors who each carry their M&P M2.0 Compact 9mm 4inch in a Raven Concealment Morrigan holster at 3.

There are several threads here that discuss the carrying lifestyle in general. Poke around and you will find many discussions of carrying and the law that will be beneficial.

If you can make it to the Frisco meet up, you will find folks who will be happy to help.

Again, welcome!

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