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by govnor
Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:14 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

jimlongley wrote:
G.C.Montgomery wrote:
DoubleJ wrote:two comments for GC:

1. that girl is tall
2. the bulge on your left hip/flank

on the whole, there are stereotypes for a reason. doesn't make us bad people for using them as a guideline, we just have to be open to the surprises.
1) She's standing on a golf cart and is otherwise only about 5'1" :lol:
I could tell she wasn't Cha-Cha (that's Shirley Muldowney to those of you not old enough, etc. :lol: ) but somewhere I have a picture similar to that one, with her in it. I'm not in it, I took it of my friends Doug and (??? don't recall) at Lebanon Valley Speedway in 1964 or 65, then Doug took one of me and (???) but I never got a copy.

I'm not nearly as large or handsome as G.C. so maybe it's a good thing I never got that copy.
I saw Shirley run down the old green valley track right down the street from here when I was a kid. 'Course it's closed down now because they put in a lot of neighborhoods. I can handle some loud car noise. I can't handle the loud hip hop in my house though... sue me.
by govnor
Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:43 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

He said only gun toters, Europeans, and "people of alternate lifestyles" wear fanny packs

Man, it might be time to buy a Maxpedition bag. Yeah, it's still a man purse, but it looks okay. Fanny packs are just out at this point. The draw from them is good though. I guess this is one of those "form follows function" times...
by govnor
Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:35 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

TheYoungGuy wrote:
govnor wrote:
I'm (IMHO) the LAST guy you would expect to be packing because I look/am young and I wear non-baggy tshirts with golf shorts and flip-flops every day
No offense, but when I see a guy dressed like that I think "clueless yuppie." I'd be shocked to find out you were packing heat. The reason I say that is most of the folks around my 'hood have nothing to worry about or at least think they don't (low crime area). A lot of people wear similar clothing. I stick out like a sore thumb with my BDU's and camo ball caps...
I'll do my best not to break Mr. Cotton's "no derogatory posts" rule here, but seriously? A camo hat is one thing, but BDUs? Wow... I may be a just a "clueless yuppie", but it strikes me as odd that you wear battle dress on a daily basis. Halloween isn't until October...
Hey man, I wasn't calling you a clueless yuppie. The point of that post is that no matter what you might think of someone by the way they dress, you can't judge a book by it's cover. If I saw a guy wearing flip flops I would seriously doubt he was carrying. Especially one of the same guns I carry.

Besides, I own a business where I do physical labor and dress accordingly. BDUs last longer than jeans for me. I do wear black BDUs as casual wear sometimes though. They're comfortable and have lots of storage. On a couple of occasions I've walked past a guy wearing a pink shirt and they just look ashamed :grin:
by govnor
Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:38 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

I'm (IMHO) the LAST guy you would expect to be packing because I look/am young and I wear non-baggy tshirts with golf shorts and flip-flops every day
No offense, but when I see a guy dressed like that I think "clueless yuppie." I'd be shocked to find out you were packing heat. The reason I say that is most of the folks around my 'hood have nothing to worry about or at least think they don't (low crime area). A lot of people wear similar clothing. I stick out like a sore thumb with my BDU's and camo ball caps...
by govnor
Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:29 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

Skiprr wrote:
govnor wrote:Since we're posting pics...does it look like I'm packing?
No comment, dude.

Absolutely no comment.
Yeah, it's a bad what. I just posted it so you guys could see what I look like. It's always nice to know who you're talking to.
by govnor
Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:07 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

by govnor
Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:03 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

KBCraig wrote:I think T3hK1w1 nailed it when describing his lunch breaks in the mall: looking at who is looking is the best clue. When you're aware, you see other people who are aware, instead of just bumbling through life with their heads down.

That's always my first clue; then I look at clothing.
This makes sense. I'm ALWAYS aware of my surroundings. My wife says I always have a look like I'm going to kill somebody. That's not the case, but I am always scoping out potential threats. People only get to see the "real" me when I'm in a safe place and surrounded by family and friends. I don't know what makes us this way, but I've been like that for a long time.
by govnor
Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:06 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

seamusTX wrote:Responding to Ncongruent and G.C. Montgomery, I've seen photos of drug dealers to the gentry who looked and dressed like insurance salesmen. I saw a woman who looked like the leader of the ladies' Bible study group, who blew over 0.3 on a Breathalyzer.

OTOH, I've met bikers who would scare the pants off you on first sight, who collect toys for kids in the hospital and ride honor guard for deceased soldiers.

I just don't judge people by the way they dress or their tattoos or hair.

- Jim
Yeah, that's the way I think for the most part. If someone looks like trouble...then ACTS like trouble, that would be the sign that they're up to no good. I think it comes down to how someone acts more than anything.

In that picture, I wouldn't necessarily think Ncon was carrying a gun. I might think he was carrying a joint or two around though. Or I might not after meeting him. Some of the biggest stoners I've ever known look like clean cut all American people that you'd see on a commercial. You'd never suspect they were up to something like that.
by govnor
Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:56 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15130

ScubaSigGuy wrote:
HighVelocity wrote:I "make" people every day. I am interested in guns, I notice things gun related.
98% of the population wouldn't notice if you had six arms and two heads. If the gun is concealed then it's just that. CONCEALED. Don't sweat the wardrobe.

I have been wearing Hawaiian shirts or similar type shirts buttoned up with a t-shirt for years now. Nobody has ever asked me if I was carrying and now that I do carry, I dress the same way and I don't think twice about it.

That being said I was at a movie last week with the future Mrs. SSG and chuckled to myslef when a guy walked by me in the concession area wearing his 5.11 vest.

As long as you aren't wearing your SIG polo or your Glock pit crew shirt you should be alright. :grin:
I wonder if my T-shirt that has an AR-15 on it and says "thin the heard" would give me away...

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