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by OneGun
Sat Jun 20, 2020 10:43 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What is privilege
Replies: 63
Views: 23236

Re: What is privilege

Let me share an experience with you and yes I will ramble a bit. I was riding with a co-worker in his car. It was a nice car, a Honda. My co-worker is black. We got pulled over by an officer. He said to me, now you get to experience driving while black. My co-worker was polite, answered the officer's questions. I answered his questions. The officer wished us a good day. The officer never really said why we were pulled over. Did I mention we were dressed in business casual?

My co-worker explained that we just experienced driving while black. He asked me how many times I have been pulled over for no real reason. Truth is, I have not ever been pulled over except for when my vehicle matched the description of a vehicle the police were looking for. He claimed that I have "white privilege" whether I knew it or not.

I understand my co-worker's point. Why were we stopped for roughly 15 minutes? I understand that it was not a big inconvenience, but it was an inconvenience. It was also annoying to have to explain ourselves to an officer for no real reason other than we were on our way to visit a client.

There is truth to the attitude that black people experience discrimination by the police and I don't know the answer to the problem. Yet again, blacks make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population and the reasons that exist may color the perspective of police officers in general.

I don't know how to resolve all of these social issues, but a police free society and defunding the police will not lower crime and ensure peace in the general public. I won't feel safer and I don't believe that all people will suddenly live together in harmony either.

I do know that I now carry an extra magazine with all of the current social unrest and I avoid the protests like the plague. I disapprove of re-writing history. It is our history. The good, the bad, and the ugly. We need to remember it, so we never repeat it. We need to stop silencing people and perspectives we disagree with. I abhor this "cancel culture". If I don't like a TV series, you can't watch it. Really? I'm tired of everyone claiming they are "offended"
There is no constitutional guaranty against being offended. Everyone should have the freedom to choose, and not have their choices made for them by political and social justice groups. We have should the ability to share their opinions without being silenced or drowned out by a crowd. Everyone has a right to be heard. And everyone else has a right to agree or disagree.

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