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by davefrmmrfy
Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:50 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Plano has Urban Ninjas
Replies: 17
Views: 4468

Re: Plano has Urban Ninjas

loadedliberal wrote:Seems like yall should have a cookout
Sound good to me, only if you come unannounced wearing a black swimsuit you may notice a red laser dot on your forehead from inside the house. I cook a mean hamburger. :smilelol5:

Seriously, this has been an excellent learning experience for me, and hopefully for many more.
by davefrmmrfy
Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:17 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Plano has Urban Ninjas
Replies: 17
Views: 4468

Re: Plano has Urban Ninjas

Yep, I agree with all the comments. That's how we al learn. Hopefully there will not be a next time, but if there is, I'll be a little smarter.

As for location, NE quadrant of Legacy and Independence.

by davefrmmrfy
Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:20 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Plano has Urban Ninjas
Replies: 17
Views: 4468

Plano has Urban Ninjas

This last Tuesday at 11:00 I was getting ready to turn in for the night and went to the front of the house to verify everything was secure. As I rounded the corner onto our foyer, I noticed through the full length windows which are on either side of the front door (I know… bad setup) that there was a man trying to peek in through the blinds. That in itself was bad enough, but the dude was dressed in black stocking hat, black bandana, black shirt, pants and shoes.

I was apparently backlit and he saw me as I reached back around to get a hold of the gun I had in the kitchen. He took off like a flash. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. And headed out into the front yard in my night shorts to see where the guy went. He was long gone.

I relayed to the operator what happened and within 2 minutes at least 2 of Plano’s finest came screaming down the street spot lights going like crazy. Apparently we have had a few incidents in the area and they were on alert. They called back and reported that they had picked someone up and asked me to verify the description.

No idea if they got the right guy, but at least the BG knows that my place may not necessarily be a cakewalk.


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