Glad to see that this was also picked up by someone else as overnight I was dealing with someone at home with the flu and only got to post briefly that I'd read this as the article came online.
I love the idea of the TABC investigation. I also think that there is an interesting angle to be explored with them working together to do this - wondering if anyone has explored yet the implications of claiming to be an educational institution and whether there are specific code requirements within the lengthy TX Educational Code of who can be one, how they are designated, and so on - especially for a local government (who I think would have to then have a zoo or museum operated under the control of their ISD to meet compliance requirements). And is falsely claiming to be an educational institution some form of fraud? And if doing so what crime is committed when they share strategy to commit that fraud. Meanwhile I sure wish that someone, somewhere, would get a response from the AG that fines are happening.