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by Trainman
Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:07 pm
Forum: 2005 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Goals for 2007
Replies: 74
Views: 58477

dws1117 wrote:For 2007 I only have a few wishes, along with many already posted.

1. Employee parking area exemption or protection despite company policy
That would be the same as HB 896 from last session, mentioned earlier, that made it through committee but died a quiet death because it never made it to the floor from the calendar.

The 5 year license term and this one were the ones I really wanted to get passed. I guess 50% ain't bad.
I hope to see the CHL parking lot provision in the next session - AND pass this time.
by Trainman
Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:06 am
Forum: 2005 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Goals for 2007
Replies: 74
Views: 58477

Re: Bars

anygunanywhere wrote: Placing generalized restrictions on carry just because you have some aversion to what others believe is normal behavior is the same thing the gun grabbers are doing on a daily basis. This no carry if a little alcohol is involved is bull. Hang a sign around my neck that says "Rob me I have been drinking" or hang one on my house that says "kick down the door, Jack Daniels on board. The DA will prosecute the homeowner if he shoots you".

Rights are rights, and maintaining these rights while you are doing something legal is what America is about. Or used to be.
I agree that you may have a very good point and you have every right to carry that forward for the rest of us as a perfect test case if the need arises.
by Trainman
Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:10 pm
Forum: 2005 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Goals for 2007
Replies: 74
Views: 58477

Public Intoxication

dolanp wrote:What purpose does a bar have if it's illegal to be intoxicated there? I don't buy into the pre-emptive policing ideas, it's the same argument gun control advocates use all the time.
I don't mean for this to sound glib or sarcastic, but... A publicly accessible establishment is just that; public. If you drink in such a manner to become intoxicated AND you are in a public place - you may be cited for public intoxication. Seems pretty simple to me.
And carrying a weapon at the same time only serves to make matters worse. Rightly or wrongly - the appearence only serves to give the ANTI-gunners more ammunition.
Just my .02
by Trainman
Sat Jun 11, 2005 9:07 am
Forum: 2005 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Goals for 2007
Replies: 74
Views: 58477

For 2007 - Reintroduce HB 896

HB 896 Author: David Farabee (Wichita/Archer counties)
Made it through committee but never got out of the calendar.

This bill would prohibit a public or private employer from establishing, maintaining, or enforcing a policy or rule that prohibits a person licensed to carry a concealed handgun from transporting or storing such handgun in a locked vehicle in any parking lot, garage, or other designated parking area. An employer would not be liable for damages resulting from an occurrence involving the possession of a concealed handgun by a licensee. This bill would not authorize a licensee to carry a concealed handgun on any premises where possession is prohibited by state or federal law.

I read where Oklahoma just signed their version of this into law after some CHL holders were fired from their long-held jobs for locking their guns in their cars.

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