Wind was gusting about 12 from 7:00 -> 2:00
I did not compensate. POI seemed bout 1MOA low and .5 MOA right of POI. The right of POA was prolly due to wind.
The cloud was the nitrogen being released. Not the dry chemical. Afterwards, we went down there to clean up, and shook all the powder out. I found the bullet inside the extinguisher, lol. It is perfectly shaped to the inside wall. Only penetrated the first wall which is guess is normal.
I am tired of shooting paper, I want reactive targets. I would call that reactive wouldn't you?
By the way, that FE is no longer made and cannot be serviced, it was last serviced 10 years ago We did not waste anything, in fact, we may have saved a life by "taking it out of service" haha
bpet wrote:Whoa! What happened to that first shot?
From the sound in the video, wind must have been from left to right and a tad strong. Compensation seems to have worked nicely but would have been cooler had you managed to put out the brush fire caused by the first shot.
I may have to give the fire extinguisher a try with appropriate special effects - like putting out my flaming grilled chicken that always seems to threaten most of Palo Pinto county during hunting season.