anygunanywhere wrote:
If you insist that those in captivity at Gitmo were tortured then you have a skewed understanding of what torture is.
I was referring to your suggested punishment:
anygunanywhere wrote:4. When captured they should have been questioned in a manner consistent with the way they treated Americans they have held captive. Since the world does not define the way they treat us as barbaric then it must be just fine.
5. Once all valuable information was gleaned they should have been executed in a manner consistent with the way they have executed Americans they have held captive. Again, since the world does not define the way they execute captives as barbaric then it must be just fine.
However, I am also not willing to take it for granted that no torture beyond water boarding taken place at gitmo or elsewhere.
anygunanywhere wrote:They are not a few hundred, they are in the thousands. Maobama's executive order also applies to the terrorists held in Iraq and Afghanistan. When you made the statement in an earlier post that only a few were captured in combat, you were wrong. Most of them were actually captured in combat by US and our Iraqi and Afghani allies. Most were not sent by other nations. Take another drink of kool aid. These are not cab drivers being railroaded. They are murdering thug terrorists. Go ahead and say it along with me. M-U-R-D-E-R-I-N-G T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T-S. Not freedom fighters. Not uniformed military combatants. Not POWs. They do not even rank as criminals.
We can easily deal with them all without allowing the government to arbitrarily detain people. There is a rather large difference between being captured in combat and being bought from warlords in Afghanistan. It is worth considering that those "allies" may have lied in exchange for a stack of cash.
XtremeDuty.45 wrote:It is amazing to me how many people dont get that they are... TERRORISTS
That is a question of fact for a justice system. Not necessarily the US civilian justice system, but it must be one that respects the inalienable rights of all people.