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by ShootDontTalk
Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:48 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy
Replies: 70
Views: 8686

Re: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy

anygunanywhere wrote: I sacrificed 6 years of my life in service to this country defending it against all enemies both foreign and domestic and consider my oath to still be in effect. Since our country is currently under attack from within I consider it appropriate to fly the flag upside down, especially since your quote says that the flag represents the government and all its policies. You might agree with that but I do not.

Thanks for your input, but I am not dishonoring the flag or my country by doing so. The evil that is permeating this country through the actions of those who want to destroy it from the top down are dishonoring it.

Have a good day.
I agree. Flying the flag upside down seems to aggravate the wrong people. I also took the oath and have stood by our great nation in some times when it wasn't terribly popular to do so. The homecoming given to returning Vietnam vets caused a great many to question why they came back at all, but the flag (our country) was not to blame.

Today it appears the enemy is not misguided idiots who curse and spit on returning vets, but the government itself. "We the people" are the flag. "We the politicians" and "we the bureaucrats" seem to have stolen the country - along with "we the entitled", the "we the offended at everything", "we the good into bad and bad into good", and "we the politically correct" - have assumed control.

What is most disheartening is that we voted for Republicans who promised to turn the country around, gave them a clear majority in both Houses, and these worthies then promptly surrendered and put Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi back in charge. As for me, I won't make the same mistake twice. Republicans...can you hear?

My greatest fear is that my grand kids and great grand kids are going to have to make hard choices one day. I hadn't planned on the American Dream vanishing quite so soon.

People want to pull down all Confederate flags and monuments. Meanwhile, another sterling holiday weekend in Chicago: 80 SHOOTINGS and 15 DEAD.

Oh but they'll FEEL so good when all those flags are gone! :mad5
by ShootDontTalk
Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy
Replies: 70
Views: 8686

Re: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy

jmra wrote: I doubt you'll find it in any history books because the truth didn't serve the political agenda at the time nor does it now. The conflict between North and South was pure economics. The north had the established ports and had forced the south to do their trade through the North. The only way the south could conduct import/export trade without the north as a middleman was to undermine the tariffs established by the north. The north stepping in to stop the trade the south had established in its ports is what led to the south splitting off.
This became a major economic problem for the north because they were not only losing taxes but also were no longer able to charge to south marked up prices for foreign imports, not to mention the lost revenue of exporting goods from the south. If the south was allowed to continue this trade, industrial development of the south would ensue making much of the north economically irrelevant. You see, the north needed the south much more than the south needed the North. This is why had the south agreed to return to the union under the economic thumb of the north slavery would have been allowed to continue indefinitely. Of course with the influx of cheap Asian labor (actually cheaper than slave upkeep), slavery would have become a thing of the past eventually anyway.
So, why didn't either side cite economics as a reason for war? Because the general public wasn't willing to go to war with their brother over money. Both sides needed an ideal in order to garner support for their positions. For the north the rally call was the end of slavery, for the south it was states rights. But ultimately, it was all about the mighty dollar.

The fundamental reason you will never know the real truth is that only one side won. The winning side "adjusts" history to cover all the warts and blemishes. Here is a perfect example: read about the Confederate prisoner of war camp at Andersonville, then go read about Camp Douglas. The Union prisoners who died at Andersonville, those who weren't moved to Arlington, now rest in a National Cemetery on site. The Confederate prisoners who died at Camp Douglas, aside from those in Oak Woods Cemetary in Chicago, rest in an unmarked mass grave, perhaps under a condominium.
by ShootDontTalk
Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:25 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy
Replies: 70
Views: 8686

Re: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy

chuck j wrote:I came a bit late to this thread . The Confederate flag is part of my and many others history , it is history . I had relatives on both sides and there is no denying what 'is' . J W Westbrook was my great great grandfather , the article below was taken from a book written by Frank W. White Johnson. It is lengthy but interesting , I refuse to erase my family history and it certainly is not all bad . it is reality . I find no harm in the 'rebel' flag at this point in time , you would think that we would have moved beyond that by now . ... tbrook.htm" onclick=";return false;
Good read. Thanks. The irony is that we had moved beyond all that, until the current occupant of the White House decided the change he wanted was for the country to be racially more divided than any time since the Civil War.

My family fought (and some died) in the Civil War (Confederate side), and in the Revolutionary War. My family has sent sons and daughters to fight in every American war since 1776.
by ShootDontTalk
Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:15 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy
Replies: 70
Views: 8686

Re: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy

dale blanker wrote: You are supporting my point even though you completely missed it. No one is suggesting the civil war be forgotten but touting the Confederate Battle Flag and remembering the civil war with pride makes no sense. The civil war is a blot on the history of our great country that we should not forget but should recognize as a major disaster.

Maybe the movies "Gone With The Wind" and "Dances With Wolves" had too big an effect on me(?).
You do realize that two nations fought the Civil War? That there were two "battle flags"? Want to ban one? Ban both. Why fly one and not the other? Why not fly a U.S. "battle flag" over Wounded Knee?

No one is taking pride in the Civil War. I am proud of those who fought and died - on both sides. You have to separate the war (and who started it and why on both sides) from those who fought and died.

I had no idea "Dances With Wolves" was about the Civil War. I will admit it didn't really make one proud of the American "battle flag".
by ShootDontTalk
Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy
Replies: 70
Views: 8686

Re: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy

baldeagle wrote: The flag has a place. It's a symbol of heritage and pride and many other positive attributes. But it is also a symbol of hatred and racism to some.
I agree. On the other hand, my ancestors were enslaved by the British before fleeing to America. I have no problems with the flag of Great Britain. I even dare to eat fish and chips. I'm just not threatened by symbols - not even Pop Tarts chewed to resemble a gun.

I'm far more worried about becoming a slave of my own government. :biggrinjester:
by ShootDontTalk
Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:43 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy
Replies: 70
Views: 8686

Re: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy

dale blanker wrote:I'm totally baffled as to why anyone would want to tout the Confederate Battle Flag anyway. The Civil War is over at extremely high cost to both North and South. It seems to me that that Southern States should have been allowed to quit the Union but my guess is that they are much better off in it now. We should not forget history but how can there be pride or any satisfaction in remembering our Civil War???
Well let's see why we should remember. 620,000 dead Americans. Close to 900,000 missing and wounded. 4% of the total population of the entire nation was killed. More soldiers died in prisoner of war camps (both North and South) than died in Vietnam (58,209). Largest number of American battle casualties in a single day, 22,000+. Some died under one flag, some under the other. All were Americans.

Satisfaction? No. Pride? Absolutely. I'm proud of every single American who ever served and gave the last full measure, regardless of flag. They didn't fight for politics or even country. They fought and died for each other. In the end we learned a tough lesson about brotherhood. If you want to ban "battle flags", ban both.

BTW....the phrase "Confederate Battle Flag" tells us quite a bit about who you are.
by ShootDontTalk
Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:02 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy
Replies: 70
Views: 8686

Re: Confederate Battle Flag Feeding Frenzy

Too many people are willfully ignorant of the way history is "adjusted" by the victors in war. The Confederate flag being one glaring current example.

To portray the Civil War as having its roots solely in the issue of slavery is akin to claiming that America's dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan had its genesis in racism. War is never so simple.

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