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by ShootDontTalk
Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:18 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: GLOCK 42 Reviews
Replies: 29
Views: 5529

Re: GLOCK 42 Reviews

jmra wrote:
Javier730 wrote:It would be a nice BUG.
:iagree: If I didn't already have a .380 bug I might spring for one but since I do, I'll wait and see if they release a 9mm version.
Yes it would make a nice BUG. For me, there are times I feel woefully undergunned when carrying the LCP. Before I retired, one of the sergeants, who is a great shot and really beyond "expert", ran the qualification course with his LCP. Qualified easily (for him) so he said. Me? Not quite that easy. :???:

I got my wife a S&W Shield 9mm and I am impressed at how well it shoots. For a gun that is about the same size as the 42 it handles and shoots very acceptably. I don't think a small, single stack 9 would cut into the 26 sales all that much, but that is just my opinion.
by ShootDontTalk
Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:46 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: GLOCK 42 Reviews
Replies: 29
Views: 5529

Re: GLOCK 42 Reviews


Does the 42 look like it would actually handle a +P or even a +P+ loading? I have only one 380 (LCP) for times when concealed means no place to hide, yet I'm not entirely happy with the current crop of 380 defense rounds. What do you think?

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