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by Mike from Texas
Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:07 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Shooting Differences Between PM9 and CM9
Replies: 9
Views: 961

Re: Shooting Differences Between PM9 and CM9

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Keith B wrote:
cllemke wrote:Yeah I know there are slight differences in the machining of the slide and the barrel, but didn't think those would really affect the feel of the gun. The one thing I want to know is the trigger pull the same between them.
They should allow you to dry fire the two guns at the shop even if they don't have a CM9 for rent. That will tell you about the trigger pull. However, I would assume they used the same trigger mechanism as it would be counter productive to try and redesign that just for the different model of gun since the frame is the same. And, Kahr is really good about their customer service, so pick up the phone and call them and I am sure they will tell you if the trigger is the same.
Keep in mind too that the trigger will also smooth out further after break-in. My wife shot my PM9 for the first time last Saturday and liked it so much that we bought her a CW9 the same day, which is simply the CM9 with a 1/2" more barrel and a 7+1 capacity instead of the 6+1 capacity of the CM9. They are nifty little guns.
Did you notice any issues with mag dumps when shooting the CW9? We rented one at a local range and the guy warned us that they have experienced a lot of problems with this on the CW9. Sure enough when my daughters shot it, it would try to drop the magazine every 2nd or 3rd round. I didn't have my PM9 with me to compare the mag catch buttons but they have had no problems when shooting my PM9.

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