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by jailbird
Sat Oct 21, 2017 3:18 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The perfect "truck gun"
Replies: 36
Views: 12409

Re: The perfect "truck gun"

pbwalker wrote:
locke_n_load wrote:
jailbird wrote:I just figured I'd let everybody know what I decided to go for (in case anybody cares! :) ).

I really appreciated everybody's ideas and feedback. I was really much interested in mainly .300 BLK in a short rifle, preferably suppressed, since obviously I won't be able to grab for hearing protection in a hurry in my truck. So with those criteria in mind, I ended up going with: ... 7-lmt-lead

The dual suppressor + SBR NFA goodness will probably keep most people away from it, but in the end, I figured it was worth the headache.

Thanks again, everybody!
Definitely would not leave any NFA gun in the truck permanently, especially a two stamp gun...
:iagree: :iagree:
Oh I definitely agree too! :iagree: :iagree:

Usually if I’m out and around, it’s mainly either just picking up lunch to bring back home, or I’m going to/from my ranch/side business (FFL). If that’s the case, then I’ll have a place to secure it when I get there. It’ll also be handy in the UTV while checking fence line.

I’ll also agree with the suggestion above about the Mini-14! It’s a great little gun!
by jailbird
Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:30 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The perfect "truck gun"
Replies: 36
Views: 12409

Re: The perfect "truck gun"

I just figured I'd let everybody know what I decided to go for (in case anybody cares! :) ).

I really appreciated everybody's ideas and feedback. I was really much interested in mainly .300 BLK in a short rifle, preferably suppressed, since obviously I won't be able to grab for hearing protection in a hurry in my truck. So with those criteria in mind, I ended up going with: ... 7-lmt-lead

The dual suppressor + SBR NFA goodness will probably keep most people away from it, but in the end, I figured it was worth the headache.

Thanks again, everybody!
by jailbird
Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:23 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The perfect "truck gun"
Replies: 36
Views: 12409

Re: The perfect "truck gun"

ninjabread wrote:Image
I think we have a winner! :lol:
by jailbird
Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:01 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The perfect "truck gun"
Replies: 36
Views: 12409

Re: The perfect "truck gun"

These are all good points (and suggestions!). I guess I should have said "The best compromise for an all-around truck gun" :).

While I do have a ranch in East Texas, that's not my primary residence, and when I do go out there, I normally reserve the .458 SOCOM AR-15 and/or the Sig P220 10mm for the hogs! So I guess I'm looking for something more useful in a (sub)urban environment. So probably fairly close up, not too far, and mostly 2-legged combatants!
by jailbird
Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:08 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The perfect "truck gun"
Replies: 36
Views: 12409

The perfect "truck gun"

I'm looking for a truck gun, and there are so many possibilities that I'm looking for advice. I think I've narrowed it down to 3:

- Sig MPX Pistol - 9mm piston-driven, no "stock", but you can attach a Sig brace, 17" long, 5 lbs ( )
- V SEVEN 6.5" 2055 Enlightened Pistol - .300 AAC Blackout, standard AR pistol buffer tube that you can slip a brace on, DI, 20.7" long, 3.7125 lbs ( ... out-pistol )
- Sig MCX Rattler SBR - .300 AAC Blackout, piston-driven, 23.5" long, 5.7 lbs. ( )

The V SEVEN is obviously the lightest, I'm not a big fan of the buffer tube sticking out, so would probably have to put a brace on it. It's .300 Blackout, so would suppress well. The MPX Pistol is the shortest, so easiest to draw while belted in a seat, and doesn't have a buffer tube sticking out, but it's "only" 9mm. The SBR is longer and heavier than both, but still packs .300 Blackout and is also classified as a rifle vs a pistol. Since it's a pistol, if I understand the laws right, I don't have to worry about it being accidentally seen from outside the vehicle, as pistols have to be completely concealed.

So two choices: type and caliber


- No NFA tax stamp needed (not a big deal)
- No need to tell the BATFE if you're going on a cross-country trip
- Shorter, easier to "draw" seated
- No stock, or useless stock

- Classified as a rifle, so more relaxed carry-in-vehicle laws
- A real stock!


- Designed to perform well out a short barrel
- Less recoil

.300 AAC Blackout
- More effective round, much higher energy levels
- Designed for suppressed use

Opinions? Please feel free to include other weapons to those 3. I even thought of maybe a SBRd PS90, since I do have a soft spot for 5.7x28mm!

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