Jweaver wrote:Thanks for the welcome. And yes I was ok with it taking a little while for the response because my birthday is in November and I figured the little extra wait would give me a longer time without having to renew but this stinks. I've read that there is a time line on here where you can read when people are getting theirs in compared to when they mailed it all off. Can someone give instructions on this so I can find it without going back through a hundred and twenty pages?
Still waiting 10/12/13-12/25/13
They appear to be working on the 3rd week of October. I received an update last Thursday but it hasn't changed since. I figured they are out until Friday as the bear minimum if not til after the first of the year. I have come to the conclusion I may receive mine if I'm lucky by the middle of January, which will be close to 90 days for me.