Great post.TexasGal wrote:We already have re-education camps on a massive scale. It's the public school system. Your children come out of it rejecting your moral values and especially your political values. They have been taught to embrace the far left view and feel contempt and even hate for anyone who does not see it as the only way to go. My son and step-son are leftists. We try to stay off political discussions because the stuff that comes out of their mouths makes me physically ill. My stepson even said once that we needed a great plague to wipe out most of mankind so the planet could recover from all the damage we have done to it. And we needed to do away with "big oil" and if it meant widespread hunger and joblessness to force people to walk and bike instead of drive cars, then so be it. There is a profound belief that it does not matter how many would suffer as long as the ends were achieved. Public school and college is where they got these beliefs. They were re-educated faster than their parents and grandparents could educate them.
I would only add that in addition to our school systems having become "re-education camps" in the last 20-30 years, government expansion and the taxes required to pay for it have helped to force Mom & Dad deeper into the workforce to pay for this liberal need for govmint. Taking-away of course precious time to make sure their kids learn what they want them to learn.
Normally I would say that the pendulum will swing to the other side eventually, but I fear what we have here instead is a death spiral.