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by OlBill
Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:48 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Questions About LEO's Asking For ID's When I'm Simply Passenger
Replies: 53
Views: 14259

Re: Questions About LEO's Asking For ID's When I'm Simply Passenger

We discussed this here a while back. There was someone who said they are taught they have the authority to demand your ID in their training.

On a personal note my wife was stopped for, as near as I can tell, jogging while Latina. The cop told her she had to carry ID at all times and produce it on demand. It shook her up so bad she couldn't tell me even the color of his vehicle or the chief and I would have had a talk.

The problem with their little game is there is no ID requirement in this country. And it's not an accident. I am not required to carry identification. Ever. A drivers license or LTC is not an ID, they're are licenses for a specific activity. I don't have a plumbers license or a lawyers license because I am neither.

38.02 is not a bad law, but it doesn't take this fact into account.

I have lived in several countries with nation ID requirements. I didn't like it, but we're not far from it in practice.

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