OK. I pose the questions. What is so difficult for every Sheriff and police chief in Texas to teach their officers the new law and instruct them to respect citizen's right to openly carry their firearm in public? Why is doing right such a difficult thing to do? Is it really that difficult for rank and file officers to speak up and state their intent to respect citizens and the rule of law?nightmare69 wrote:Unfortunately dispatchers do not have the authority to disregard a call for service. That permission would have to come from a supervisor. To do what you ask on a permanent basis ,the chief of police or sheriff would have to write policy allowing such.anygunanywhere wrote:Just have the dispatchers tell the caller that openly carried handguns are legal in Texas. Problem solved.nightmare69 wrote:As a LEO, I'm not looking forward to the influx of calls of someone OC a firearm. Unfortunately, we have to go and check out all calls no matter how silly. Hopefully it won't last long as I would rather spend my time answering legit calls.
The OC law is clear. When it takes effect it will be legal. if someone calls and reports MWAG there should be instructions for the whole chain to follow. I have called 911 many times and consistently the response is the same. They ask questions to gather information. In the case of OC if the information leads to the conclusion that a crime is not in progress the caller should be informed as such and should be told goodby and have a nice day.