The wife and I are taking a trip to Norfolk, Virginia the next two weeks with a couple of stops on the way there and back. We are going to a reunion of crew mates who served on the submarine I served on. It is the 50th anniversary of the launching and will be quite the event.
I went to and copied much of the information there and reviewed the specific laws for each state we will go through.
All I can say is what a mishmash of laws! No consistency whatsoever especially with churches and signs having force of law. Restaurant carry is pretty consistent. Contrary to what the OC types say there is a pretty broad range of OC as well. There are plenty of "OC is legal but" and "Churches are off limits unless" and many other restrictions.
One thing I know for certain. For all of the griping and complaining we do and hear on this forum, after spending the last three hours reviewing Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas laws, We have it pretty good here in Texas. Our laws are simple and clear compared to the longwinded legislative mumbo jumbo that other states pass for firearms laws. Yes their permits might be cheaper but I am of the opinion we have it much better.
I truly think that we will make some serious advances this legislative session even if OC goes nowhere.
It would be nice if states could get together and streamline the restrictions like traffic laws are. It sure would make things easier. Probably never happen.