The two former Navy SEALs killed at Benghazi protecting the embassy were contractors, the same sort of individuals some are denigrating on this forum as mercenaries. There are many more examples of contractors who have given their lives for the missions our military have undertaken in many areas around the globe. They are no less patriots just because they were contractors.
I need to stop before I say something in response that is not allowed here due to decorum rules.
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- Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:33 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Mosul falls to ISIS
- Replies: 128
- Views: 16494
- Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:32 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Mosul falls to ISIS
- Replies: 128
- Views: 16494
Re: Mosul falls to ISIS
The same can be said for those who pack firearms. Those contractors are human beings, and more than likely American citizens. The fact that they earn a living using a different skill set than you does not make them useless and allow them to be thrown away like garbage.Cedar Park Dad wrote:Live by the sword. Die by the sword.gigag04 wrote:Why do we not care about them again?Beiruty wrote:Hired private ex-soldiers, now AKA security contractors.AndyC wrote:Define "mercenary", because I didn't meet any over there.Cedar Park Dad wrote:Are these mercenaries? If so I could care less.
I'm late to the party, I realize this, but I'm trying to catch up. I have some good buddies over there and in other parts of the world.
- Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:52 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Mosul falls to ISIS
- Replies: 128
- Views: 16494
Re: Mosul falls to ISIS
The nuclear option would have been the best choice.