I think I have the answer.tbrown wrote:I'm reading about prohibition and I can't find any documentation for booze buybacks. I can't find anything about ATF going house to house to confiscate alcohol either. What am I missing?
During prohibition nearly everyine was drinking on the sly. Alcohol production and consumption was on a grand scale. In my estimation apart from the ultra committed enforcers of the feds, state, and some locals, no one cared. They just sipped away.
This will be different.
The cops did go after stills but enforcement was a failure.
Guns are not like alcohol. Stills could pop up anywhere. Guns can't.
Proohibition failed, true. The war on drugs is a failure, true. Goberment just does not want to admit it cause they need something to do. War on guns and disarmament? The gobermint can do this! Something to keep them employed for a long time.
Once they take your guns and throw you in jail what else do you have?