You are in trouble now.Jim Beaux wrote:You are right.....jimlongley wrote:A process initiated by "Marse Linkum" and his troops in the 1860s.Jim Beaux wrote:What disturbs me is no one speaks of states rights anymore. The average citizen would be shocked to know what freedoms the states once held and are now lost. States rights have been crushed and the debris is all that's left.
The southern states had the legal right to secede. Lincoln initiated the war under the guise of defending federal property, Ft Sumter, etc. , but in reality it was to force the golden goose south to remain in the Union. The genesis of the war was grounded in economics; it was a rich man's war & slavery was but a game piece.
Lincoln stated that if it would keep the nation whole, he would support slavery; and the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery, almost became an amendment guarantying it.
Today the term "states rights" has become a term synonymous with racism.
"History is written by the victors" (Machiavelli)
SCOTUS' primary goal in history has been to slowly chip away at state rights and sovereignty. This is a consitutional republic of states - united states. 50 individual states formed under one agreement and flag. Anyone familiar with agreements between men - covenants - knows that if one party violates the agreement then the covenant is broken and no longer valid. broke the covenant long ago but the states have not responded in the manner befitting of the republic. Essentially the states have rolled over and played dead.