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by anygunanywhere
Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:00 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?
Replies: 45
Views: 8629

Re: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?

subsonic wrote:I want Texas to decriminalize intentional failure to conceal. I would prefer no distinction between open and concealed carry but I would be willing to compromise on reducing the penalty to a $100 fine, provided police are held to the same standard when not in uniform.
From what I understand about the times the individuals intentionally failed to conceal one of them pulled the weapon and put it on the dash. The other one was accused of pullling it out of his pocket.

If you draw your weapon without proper provocation it is a threat and you deserve to suffer the consequences.

Seems to me that even if you are OC and you draw you better have a really good reason.

There is no criminal penalty for UNintentional failure to conceal.

by anygunanywhere
Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:14 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?
Replies: 45
Views: 8629

Re: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?

k5dmb wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:Although most here would admit that stupid, ill-informed voters should not be allowed to vote, or that stupid, ill-informed journalists should not be allowed to publish, but that is not the case.
Ah, but that ill-informed vote or that ill-informed journalist just doesn't scare me as much as ill-informed (read as ill-trained) gun carrier. Maybe the question is does OC require always holstered? I don't think my opionions differ widely from yours, I just have a concern with the level of responsiblilty that some people demonstrate. I know, it should not be my concern, but poorly exercised 1st Amendment rights just doesn't worry me as much as poorly exercised 2nd... I guess the devil's in the details.....

Have a great evening...
Poorly exercised first amendment rights have caused me more harm than poorly exercised second amendment rights. Those poorly exercised first amendment rights helped put lord BO the most merciful in office.

Be careful what you ask for.

by anygunanywhere
Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:01 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?
Replies: 45
Views: 8629

Re: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?

k5dmb wrote:I totally understand... I too am against licensing to exercise our 'rights'. But I know a lot of folks that are 'legal to purchase' but should not be carrying. How do we sort them out or force some training. It would be a lot simpler if we had mandatory military service, but that's another issue.

I'm afraid that too many would spoil what we few have fought hard for.

Sorting out citizens that enjoy the same rights that you have is really none of our concern. The constitution and BOR does not make any differentiation on rights based on intelligence, skill or experience. You cannot legislate away stupidity and ignorance.

Although most here would admit that stupid, ill-informed voters should not be allowed to vote, or that stupid, ill-informed journalists should not be allowed to publish, but that is not the case.

I have read that many of the individuals currently rushing to buy firearms have never owned a firearm. They are probably not trained in the use and care of the firearms, and will probably not seek the training. Some will, of course, and then possibly those will coach the untrained and unskilled to improve their abilities.

We must foster the proper attitude among new firearm owners lest they develop the nasty irreverant attitudes that often surface from well intentioned individuals.

Freedom can be a dangerous thing in the hands of the untrained, but that is still freeedom. Shackling freedom with training requirements is just another form of "sensible gun laws" and "reasonable restrictions". The antis are chomping at the bit to force that on us. Don't give them any room to expand because it will get US nowhere.

Realistically we can eventually eliminate these training requirements but that should be down the list. Once we are successful at restoring our OC rights and eliminating other roadblocks to where we can carry then we can work on the other issues.

/thread hijack

by anygunanywhere
Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:31 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?
Replies: 45
Views: 8629

Re: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?

k5dmb wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:Anygunanywhere politely holding back his fingers from the keyboard.


Easy now AnygunAnywhere; I'd certainly expect it to be 'Shall Issue' :lol:: (I can't find tounge-in-check icon)...

Sorry if I offended.

I have issues with this:
k5dmb wrote:just to better control the training.
by anygunanywhere
Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:33 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?
Replies: 45
Views: 8629

Re: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?

Anygunanywhere politely holding back his fingers from the keyboard.


by anygunanywhere
Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:01 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?
Replies: 45
Views: 8629

Re: Do you support only unlicensed open carry?

Do I need to post my true beliefs on the 2A and RKBA?

I would welcome licensed OC as a start.

I are a realist sometimes.


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