When God sets out to create life, man's weak attempts at control will always fail.
That is why the ultimate birth control is so horrible.
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- Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:09 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
- Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:28 am
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
The answer to a world gone astray is to raise children with faith and morals to set the standard for the others.
I am sorry you can't see that.
The answer to a world gone astray is to raise children with faith and morals to set the standard for the others.
I am sorry you can't see that.
- Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:45 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
What caliber for trolls?
- Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:55 am
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
One of my biggest sources of frustration is the out of control gun ownership that is taking place. Nobody NEEDS 5 guns, I can see having 1 or 2, but beyond that your just adding more guns to the world and those guns really do NOT need to be here. The last thing I want is yet another gun killing someone, wasting natural resources etc. On top of that, guns are evil black. The worst thing though is children with guns. I don't care if teenagers have guns really, its going to happen and no amount of "parenting" can really stop it. However, she couldn't teach her to be responsible about it? That's where I draw the line. Get the kid on gun control and tell them to use some darn protection!NathanJK wrote:When they announced that the VP pick was Sarah Palin I at first thought "maybe I could get excited about this one". I'm incredibly un-excited about McCain, so this seemed like a move in the right direction. However, as I found out more about her my excitement waned. One of my biggest sources of frustration is the out of control breeding that is taking place. Nobody NEEDS 5 kids, I can see having 1 or 2, but beyond that your just adding more people to the world who really do NOT need to be here. The last thing I want is yet another person clogging up traffic, wasting natural resources etc. On top of that, she gave her children ridiculous names. We better not let her name anything as VP...we could end up with a Discus Library, or the State of Javelin. The worst thing though is this pregnant daughter. I don't care if teenagers have sex really, its going to happen and no amount of "parenting" can really stop it. However, she couldn't teach her to be responsible about it? That's where I draw the line. Get the kid on birth control and tell them to use some darn protection!
It is all about control, isn't it?
Rights just don't mean anything anymore do they?
Save the planet.
If all 6.692 billion people on earth were put in Alaska, each person would have approximately 4.25 square feet of land. There would be no humans anywhere else on earth. Yep. The earth is overpopulated .
- Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:30 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
I should hope he does. The old eyes are not what they used to be.drw wrote:anygunanywhere wrote:Drw, if I cam across too strong and appeared to be in personal attack mode I apologize.
I do not know you personally and should not assume how you would treat your family in the event of an issue such as a teen pregnancy.Next time you're in the Tyler area, stop by for some shooting followed by a taste of my homemade wine.
You can even meet my wife and 4 children and see for yourself what kind of family we are. My 8 year old son might outshoot you on the big rifles, though.
- Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:31 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
Drw, if I cam across too strong and appeared to be in personal attack mode I apologize.
I do not know you personally and should not assume how you would treat your family in the event of an issue such as a teen pregnancy.
I do not know you personally and should not assume how you would treat your family in the event of an issue such as a teen pregnancy.
- Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:05 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
Well, when you make comments on a forum perhaps?drw wrote:
Nice. Thanks. When did this become about me, anyway?
I have lived through what Mrs. Palin's daughter is going through.
I have my own opinions about how much a political figure opens their personal lives up for public scrutiny. IMHO, what is going on with the teen daughter is not anyone else's business.
We should not expect political figures to be perfect since only one man who graced the earth was perfect.
We should expect honesty. I have kept up with these issues the last few days and Sarah Paiin has not lied about anything. She sweats more integrity than the other three on the national ticket put together.
If and when something blows up where you can actually pinpoint something she has done that even approaches what Bill Clinton did in the oval office and lied about it then you might get an agreement out of me.
- Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:30 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
Statements like yours are totally inappropriate.drw wrote:[trying to be unpopular here]
If the announcement of Bristol's out of wedlock pregnancy was intended to combat the allegations about Trig, why not just make a statement denying the allegations? I'm struck that they have not come out and just said that Trig is Sarah's baby, period. Why not just face your accusers and make a firm statement?
McCain chose Palin in order to appeal to socially conservative people. I was excited about her candidacy, and I gave her the benefit of the doubt regarding the Trig allegations. But to have a 17 year old daughter become pregnant out of wedlock is simply bad fruit, and nothing has been said to indicate that a mistake was made, or that what the young woman did was wrong.
Any excitement I had about Palin is gone, and I can't be the only prudish conservative out there with the same feeling. I wonder if McCain's goal of reaching out to conservatives has backfired here.
[/trying to be unpopular here]
Mrs. Anygun and I happen to be one of those out of wedlock parents. Our oldest was at our wedding and was jibbering about wanting his Mommy as we exchanged vows.
I am about as socially conservative as a person can be. People have errors in judgement but our first son was never thought of as a mistake and there was never a question that he would not be kept.
You can't hold a child's error in judgement like an out of wedlock pregnancy against the parents.
How many children have you raised? Keep trying to tell me how you would love and support them at a time of crisis in their lives. Based on your statements I can just imagine how it would be around your house.
- Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:24 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
The thread winner!boomerang wrote:A sixteen year old girl is not a political figure. This is not England and Bristol Palin is not a royal heir.
- Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:03 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
The Bush girls were hounded and every mistake they made was front page news.Russell wrote:
When you are a public official, you no longer have privacy. Your entire family is scrutinized, continually. This is the sacrifice you must make when you are a public official. Don't like it? Then work in the private sector.
Chelsea was off-limits. Bill Clinton said so on broadcast television and the press complied.
Your statement does not apply to the dems, just everyone else.
Obamessiah told McCain to lay off his wife. She is out campaigning for the anointed one. Why is she off limits? The mainstream media has tagged Mrs. McCain asa "trophy wife". I would put a paycheck that she would wax Michelle the Angry in a debate.
That story is trash and if it keeps youi from voting for McCain/Palin I certainly hope you held Wild Willy in the same disdain because he lied.
Parents protect their children. If it is true, it is none of our business even with Palin being a political figure.
- Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:41 pm
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
My general statement is more applicable than not because as a rule if a conservative is caught in some red faced moment they are more apt to suffer a death sentence from politics than a lefty, and there is plenty of proof of that. Ted Kennedy. Bill Clinton. I rest my case.Russell wrote:anygunanywhere wrote: The left are masters at back door antics to try and destroy character.
They have no character and can not stand those who do.
Don't be so general in saying the left can't stand those who have character. We've had several high ranking republican officials go down in flames lately because they seemed to have character but it turns out they don't.
I'm not quick to judge anyone, I'm just saying the evidence on that site seems convincing to me. I hope I'm wrong.
You might not judge, but most of those who run under the sign of the donkey can not say that.
- Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:41 am
- Forum: Federal - 2008
- Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
- Replies: 112
- Views: 17872
Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?
The left are masters at back door antics to try and destroy character.tx.agg.96 wrote:i agree, but this rumor seems to be picking up steam. i've heard it from a couple people now.Wrightwing wrote:The Daily KOS is the most vile trash on the internet. There is not a shred of truth in anything they post.
Nothing but garbage
They have no character and can not stand those who do.