If I could actually put into words what went through my head when I read her first post and saw that nasty mug of BHO on her sig line....definitely not 10 year old daughter material.Tactical_Texan_CHL wrote: But to be totally honest, I find her presence here very unsettling, and I'm not really comfortable with her.
Being right of center, even extreme is not required for hanging out here but it helps. We have members who are democrats, and I can accept the old Zell MIller democrats that the lefties abandoned. They vote pro-2A. I am sympatghetic to them because the GOP has abandoned me and gone left.
What bothers me the most about Amber's type is that they espouse rights and freedom, but want to take mine away.
They must learn that where my rights begin, theirs end. The lesson needs to be painful.