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by anygunanywhere
Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:36 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

Keith B wrote:Please don't feel that I am advocating no new posts on old subjects. I would just ask if someone posts a question that can't be answered in one response and has been heavily debated in previous threads, that they be referred to that previous thread first. If they still have questions after reviewing that thread(s), then they should post and ask. Many members do this already.

I do agree with everyone that we want to make sure that we don't stifle good discussions and learning, but we need to not rehash stuff that has hundreds of previous posts that can be reviewed for answers (or ultimately NO answer!) :smile:

Locking posts may not be the way to go just to lessen the incidence of posts such as OC and imbibing while packing.

Discussions ar what this is about.

As long as people agree with me then all is well and good.

Heh heh. Humor, brothers and sisters!

One thing though. Any posts about CHL badges ought to initiate the self destruct feature in the poster's computer.

by anygunanywhere
Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:24 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

Keith B wrote:
Not to mention almost everyone has a video camera hanging on their belt or in their purse these days in the form of a cell phone. You Tube would be full of videos of 'gun-toting crazys' walking around the stores and streets, and the media/anti's would have a field day promoting those.
If this was true why is it not done in the other 44 states that allow OC? I would really like to see what happens when someone starts snapping a picture of an LEOs OC weapon.

by anygunanywhere
Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:19 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

Charles L. Cotton wrote:If open carry were to pass in Texas, the media would make sure it didn't happen quietly. As we approached January 1, 1996, when Texas CHLs became effective, every TV and radio station in Houston was making sure their views/listeners knew it! Blood in the streets, Dodge City, etc. was right around the corner.

If open carry were to pass in Texas, they would do likewise, but the big difference is people will be able to look for guns openly carried, unlike concealed carry. I've already given my position on OC and the political reasons for it, so I won't repeat it (hint, hint). But whatever may be your opinion, don't base it on even the slightest chance that open carry would become the law without huge media attention and the fallout that comes with the TV cameras in grocery stores, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc.

Absolutely. I agree. When the media starts their predictable response, we will have years of "no blood in the streets" to prove they are wrong.

All pro-RKBA Texans must back the legislation.

by anygunanywhere
Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:21 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

Liko81 wrote:
You gotta admit an OCed handgun is high-profile. It's different from other head-turners like a rare car or barely-there dress because of the fact that it is a gun. The less that makes a difference in the public eye, the more accepting the public will be even if it still turns heads.
Liko, I must disagree.

A handgun that is open carried is not a head turner nor high profile. The number of times I have open carried have never been high profile. No one even noticed. No one cared.

I have seen handguns OCed in Texas. I assume them to be LEO. I never recall anyone running away screaming in fright. There is even a post on THR about Texas citizens in Alpine area OCing. Cowboys in town with their pistols in plain view of DPS troopers. Sounds credible to me since it is Texas.

It would work in downtown League City too.

The most noticeable issues of open carry will be:

1. The debate in the legislature if it ever hits the floor.
2. The lies perpetrated by the infringers - the "blood in the streets" gang.
3. The lies published by the press.

If OC was quietly legalized you would hear very little. The sheep do not care. The sheep only care when they are stampeded by fright - the screaming anguish of the infringers.


Edited because I had a really good brainstorm.
by anygunanywhere
Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:47 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

Edited to eliminate personal attack.


Assume that the next presidential executive order or legislation signed into law requires all subjects to turn in their firearms. The UK thing.

One of our highly trained tax agents of the BATFE relinquishes his duties consisting of counting cigarettes, examining vodka for clarity, and focuses on his firearms gig. He sets off in pursuit of his subjects dressed in his Sunday tacticool best.

Mr. batFe encounters his first subject who decides he really believes in his 2A RKBA and proceeds to srrender his firearms bullets first. Said subject is certainly acting illegally but are his actions wrong or immoral?

Mr. batFe shoots and kills the subject. Mr. batFe is certainly acting legally, but are his actions wrong or immoral?

I realize this is not a real law, but we deal with scenarios all of the time.

by anygunanywhere
Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:15 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

Moonpie wrote:I'm gonna play devils advocate for a minute(just for a minute mind you).................... :evil2:

We ALL know there are a LOT of Doofi(doofuss plural) out there.
Do we really want doofi running around with a pistola on their hip?
The second amendment makes no distinction. Stupid doesn't negate first amendment rights although we wish it would.

by anygunanywhere
Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:57 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

Keith B wrote:
Mike1951 wrote:Better a laugh fest than a slug fest!
I was at a slug fest once. It was in my garden. I hate them nasty little slimey green critters. Poured salt on every one of 'em I could! :biggrinjester:
Put a jar lid full of beer on the ground and watch them assemble and drink. At least the ones in our yard in Kalifornia did along with the snails.


by anygunanywhere
Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:38 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

Tactical_Texan_CHL wrote: Come on, anygun! Let us have a little fun!? Besides, everyone already knows, you use a .45 for zombies! You can't argue that!
I am all for fun. At least this OC thread didn't degenerate into the slugfest it usually does.

BTW, it seems most people do not know that you can only kill zombies with head shots. Mozambiques just waste two shots.

by anygunanywhere
Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:00 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

I can't believe this forum has reached the point where zombies are now mentioned and badges are popping up too.

Next thing you know ther will be "What caliber for (insert subject here)?" threads.

by anygunanywhere
Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:59 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: open carry
Replies: 194
Views: 31753

Re: open carry

45 4 life wrote:I have looked at that site and am a little concerned. They appear to be lobbying for "Open Carry" no permit required.
I am not so sure about open carry and no training and/or qualification process. I am currently working on a project in Indiana where open carry is permitted (with a permit), but is not practiced much that I have witnessed. Allot of talks in the local forums and there does seem to be a fairly large group that is promoting it. Local LEO's are not fond of it at all.

Like others I am staying squarely on the fence with this one.
This will be my only contribution to this thread.

Exactly what other rights do you propose to have a permit to exercise? Speech? Religion?

A permit is a permission slip to exercise a right. We need our right of open or concealed carry without a permit, just like we had when the constitution and BOR were written.

Until RKBA supporters get over worrying about what people think we will only achieve small victories. I really do not care what people think or say about what I do with respect to my rights, especially my RKBA.


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