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by anygunanywhere
Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:11 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Louis Farrakhan writes about Joe Horn
Replies: 175
Views: 27048

lawrnk wrote: From the Chronicle:

To a rational person, this is a harmless prank. Under Texas law, in a world without discretion, the girls are engaging in criminal mischief and the homeowner would be justified in mowing them down with a shotgun.
When my boys were young, they warned their friends to stay out of our yard at night after the lights went out.

"Ya'll don't want to find out what my Daddy will do if he catches you in the yard."

I was thinking more along the line of a switch, but whatever they thought, they stayed out of our yard.

Wrapping houses is vandalism. Not a shooting offense, but vandalism. The Chronicle reall picked a poor example to justify their stance. It sure is nice to read the press taking up for the criminals.


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