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by G.A. Heath
Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:19 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2867

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

I know of some folks who use the term Fud(d) to refer to any hunter, so a little clarification was needed in order to know what type of person was being insulted. Now I have good news for you, your particular type of Fud has no relevence any more thanks to the U.S. Supreme Courts decisions in Heller and McDonald. With that said why bother attacking them? If we want to interact with them then lets get them to the range, or to a competitive shoot so they can see how the other side (those like us) lives. When we're not at the range lets show them why self defense is important by showing local/regional/state crime reports and make sure they understand that they alone are their first line of defense from violent criminals. So instead of alienating them, lets try to assimilate them and if we determine we can't bring them into the fold then lets not worry about them. The NRA does more than worry with hunting, although they like to show the hunting aspect more in public since it is a bit more friendly for Public Relations purposes. While the SAF got the cases to the Supreme Court, it was the NRA's arguments that won McDonald and their briefs that are frequently quoted in the Heller decision. Its the NRA that has the suit in federal court in Lubbock to eliminate the 21+ requirement for purchasing a handgun via an FFL. Then there are their legislative efforts, their education efforts (which have influenced the Texas CHL training requirements), and so on. So even though people who meet your definition of Fud are members of the NRA they most certainly do not control it. So lets refrain from the name calling and try to educate them, after all its easier to get someone to join our side if they already shoot.
by G.A. Heath
Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:04 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2867

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

And what/who exactly is a fud? Is it someone who hunts? is it someone who is only interested in hunting? Or is it anyone who doesn't agree with what you want politically? As a hunter I support your Right to Keep and Bear any kind of Arms. As a Concealed Handgun License Holder I support your right to hunt. As the owner of a number of "Black Rifles" I support your right to defend yourself. How do I manage to do this? I support the NRA, I support the SAF, I support specific state level organisations, and I speak out when I see someone who is trying to divide us into different groups. For years sporting purposes were the only ledge we had to stand on when it came to the right to keep and bear arms, by sporting purposes folks typically meant hunting. If it were not for the FUDs we would have an even bigger infestation of gun control. All efforts to Divide and Conquer should be left to the antis, lets not do the dividing for them.

As a EBR owning fud I leave you with the following thoughts:
#1: AR15s make excellent varmint rifles.
#2: AK and SKS type rifles make good hog rifles.
#3: Can constitutional carry hurt our RKBA efforts? It might, but it won't hurt it as much as this pointless internal name calling and other mindless whargarbling.
by G.A. Heath
Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:40 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?
Replies: 21
Views: 2867

Re: Could Constitutional Carry harm RKBA efforts?

<Sam Beckett>Oh, boy...</Sam Beckett> Yes, but not really. If a nut job goes out and shoots somebody immediately after work September 1st we will hear that parking lot protection caused it. The newest latest progun liberty that can even remotely be associated with the crime will be claimed as the culprit. So will they try to use it against us, yes. Will it be effective, not really.

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