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by ralewis
Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:41 am
Forum: Other States
Topic: Interstate Handguns.
Replies: 36
Views: 13724

Re: Interstate Handguns.

chasfm11 wrote:
ralewis wrote:I hope it passes so I can drive the 11 miles thru Maryland on I81 on the way to PA. :) If all this gets us is the ability to carry (with a license from your home state) in a car, that would relieve an enormous inconvenience for me personally as I drive in NY, NJ, MD every summer when visiting family. I'd even be happy to comply with the non-sensical hollow point prohibition in NJ.

I'm skeptical about passage in the Senate, but maybe they can throw in an incentive to protect endangered cockroaches or something in a few BLUE states and get a few Dems to vote for it...
As I understand it, some of the Dems are from districts and States where such a vote could weigh heavily in their re-election. It seems that getting bills like this to the floor, where this is a vote on the public record, is a good step toward passage. I share your MD problem as we have relatives in PA and have the same issue on that short amount of road out of a 1,500 mile trip. I have no hope that NJ or NY are going to comply even if reciprocity does pass. They will go the sanctuary cities route and defy Federal law. I lived in NJ for a while. The politics there run deep and in the wrong direction.
I'd be totally fine if this was watered down to allow carry in a vehicle in all 50 states (and DC). But I agree with you wrt to NJ at least. Any state that won't let you pump your own gas has got big problems....
by ralewis
Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:45 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: Interstate Handguns.
Replies: 36
Views: 13724

Re: Interstate Handguns.

I hope it passes so I can drive the 11 miles thru Maryland on I81 on the way to PA. :) If all this gets us is the ability to carry (with a license from your home state) in a car, that would relieve an enormous inconvenience for me personally as I drive in NY, NJ, MD every summer when visiting family. I'd even be happy to comply with the non-sensical hollow point prohibition in NJ.

I'm skeptical about passage in the Senate, but maybe they can throw in an incentive to protect endangered cockroaches or something in a few BLUE states and get a few Dems to vote for it...

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