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by NuBee
Wed May 09, 2007 12:16 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Shelby County Man charged with murder for defending property
Replies: 21
Views: 5789

Yes Sir we are in 100% full agreement. Thats why I said "breaking glass alone".

Examples such as:

1) If you are awakened at 2am because some thug has broken your car window to gain entry to it. But you are inside locked up nice and tight ane he/they do not even see you but you run outside with your gun and do not even call the police. In this example no person was in any immediate lethal danger. IMHO

2) Now if you and your loved ones pull into the drive way and he/they try to get at your family by breaking windows to gain entry then everyone in the car will naturally feel that their life is in immediate lethal danger. IMHO

Now in the first example some may say that you should run outside and hold the thug for the police. Well what if he is not alone?? What if he/they have guns too and as the result of a shoot out one thug or two are killed. Well the thug's crying moms will see you in civil court(goodbye home and savings for the family). Plus you just may be in some very, very hot legal water as well.

My personal opinion is that I am willing to die and go to prison for human life, but NOT AT ALL for glass and I'm sure that 99.99% of us feel the same way.

Thank you :smile:

by NuBee
Wed May 09, 2007 12:30 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Shelby County Man charged with murder for defending property
Replies: 21
Views: 5789

Even since Governor Perry signed the "Castle Doctrine", everything still revolves around one feeling that another person or persons will cause their death immediately.

The castle doctrine is extended to ones vehicle BUT only when ones life is in immediate danger. I do not feel that breaking glass alone falls under that category. Not a judgment but just read the link below and you will see. ... texas.html

Way to go to the 2007 80th Texas Legislature and Governor Perry for passing and signing the "Castle Doctrine" aka deadly force bill today! The bill, SB 378, gives law abiding residents of Texas the right to use deadly force in their homes, cars and workplaces. The new law will take effect Sept 1, 2007. Until then and previously we were expected to retreat. The best part is the bill provides civil immunity so long as the outlines of the bill are followed exactly. One can't be the aggressor either by taunting or actions, but it's about time a woman's house IS her castle and she doesn't have to flee for her own safety...

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