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by GlockDude26
Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:53 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Urgent: XDs recall...
Replies: 368
Views: 69700

Re: Urgent: XDs recall...

i recently got a hold of xds .45 number two and took it to the range saturday morning. i qualified for my chl with my first one and later traded it plus some cash for an ultra carry. after a while that big heavy kimber wasn't worth the 2 extra rounds and it's hard to beat that width of the xds too. from what i remember of my first one the post recal version was only a little bit stiffer. i didn't have any problems until i was well into my second box, and that was just me getting tired and jerking the trigger. so as long as i don't have any 100 rd shootouts i'll be fine :coolgleamA:
by GlockDude26
Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:35 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Urgent: XDs recall...
Replies: 368
Views: 69700

Re: Urgent: XDs recall...

i'm not sure what the protocol for posting links are but the yankee marshall on youtube did a video explaining the reason for the recall. Long story short if the grip safety is not depressed when racking the slide the trigger doesn't reset. that causes the internal mechaism and grip saftey to not engage and if you rack the slide on a live round there's nothing engaged to stop the primer from being struck and sent down range. watch the video for clearer explanation! to me i had two of these and never had a problem because everytime the slide was racked i had a full grip on the gun with the grip safety pressed in, which is basic common sense.... that being said I may try and pick one up on the cheap if someone doesn't want to bother sending it back to SA!
by GlockDude26
Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:43 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Urgent: XDs recall...
Replies: 368
Views: 69700

Re: Urgent: XDs recall...

Blindref757 wrote:I've never done this before...what do I tell the FedEx people if they ask what is in the box?
none of your dang business.....if they press the issue i tell them it's disassembled parts. most of the time I take the slide off and the mag out and at that point it's not a working gun and there's nothing that i know of saying you can't ship parts of a gun.

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