Now that's a sweet Christmas memory to treasure. Proud grandpa for sure!hounddog wrote:I got a few things, but I'd like to share something about two of my five grandsons. My younger daughter, son-in-law,and their two boys went on a Thanksgiving deer hunt down to Kerrville. The boys were placed one with each parent in stands the first day, and then switched places the next. The youngest, who is 11 years old got an 8 point buck on his first try. The older brother is 14 and he missed a shot on one of similar size. The next day, after switching stands, the younger boy had a chance to get a 12 point huge buck. His dad said he watched it through his scope for a super long time and then said, " Do you think if I shot close to it, it would go over toward Jake (his brother)? It makes me a litttle proud to have grandsons that have that kind of love for each other. I had to share this, as I couldn't ask for a better Christmas present. Hope you all have a great New Year.
I got new shooting glasses, they're yellow and make everything so bright! They're like that old infomercial for the driving glasses. Lol. I got a new set of Teal colored electronic ears, Leight brand. And a membership to a ladies gun club which I'm super excited about.
Now I'm on the lookout for a stylish ladies range bag. Doesn't have to be fancy, I just don't want pink, black, or camo.