As each of us do our homework and study the rules, and we should...each of us should be subject matter experts to the degree we can...we have to be sure to first read any statute with a clinical sterility of statutory interpretation, free from any self-interpretation or rumor or unintended context. The words say what they say. The penalties are what they are. Legal is legal and illegal is illegal. All of us who are licensed have a responsibility to each of the rest of us to be sure and not endanger the collective reputation by sloppy or cavalier actions.Unocat wrote:Didn't the new law change the penalty for CC past a 30.06 sign to a Class C max $200 penalty (essentially making it a traffic ticket)? Please correct me if I am incorrect here.
If this is the case, then one could knowingly choose to CC past a 30.06 because they value their life and livelihood more than $200. So let's say the worst happens and you have to draw or even shoot in defense. You may walk away with a ticket to appear in court or even be arrested and have to pay your $200, but you get to walk away with your life.
Just posing this as philosophical thought for discussion. I am not advocating breaking any law. and by the way, driving over the speed limit is breaking a law as well.
There is a lot of stuff from various sources that is just plain wrong when it comes to LTC, signs, etc. And there's alot of good stuff. Stay alert to the difference. I teach very technical subjects in very serious domains of knowledge. I would be rich if I had a dollar for every time I said to students who think they know a rule, "what does the book say". The book (the law or regulation or case determination) is the great argument stopper...the final source that trumps all other sources.
The secret service famously trains their anti-counterfeit agents by studying only authentic bills. They never study the counterfeit. This is because there are too many counterfeits....but just ONE real bill. The way you spot an counterfeit is by knowing the real thing so well that you immediately recognize the imposter when you see it. This can be applied to the law or the regulation. With 30.06 or 30.07 just for example, the statute says what and only what it says. When you hear someone say that 30.06 must be posted at each entrance, for example, the rule does not say that. .07 does but not .06. You may want it to say that but it does not. Notice I am not adding any interpretation one way or the other when I say this. It is what it is. If you want to interpret it one way then you must label that for what it interpretation (assuming absent any official interpretation to go by). When you start using words like "have to", "supposed to", "got to", "must" you are saying there is a law or official interpretation that stands behind and gives authority to those imperatives. Usually there is not and those words are casually passed down from one unsuspecting, naive recipient to another. Then we sometimes end up with a lot of adults playing the children's telephone game.