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by cb1000rider
Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:59 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: No 4th of July Fireworks at US Bases
Replies: 11
Views: 2236

Re: No 4th of July Fireworks at US Bases

Two things to address the posts above:
1) Is Obama really living a different lifestyle than any of the modern presidents before him? It's not like he can fly commercial. I'm not sure that a modern president could actually alter the lifestyle, with some exceptions for personal holidays... I care not about the appearances, the reality is that the president can no more ride in a Taurus than I can ride a donkey to school.

2) Congress, as a whole, is a bunch of career politicians that are set for life. They'll never really be impacted by most of their legislation, outside of whatever possible kick-backs they can hand friends and business associates indirectly. They're not in it for the best interest of the country. They're in it, at best, for the interests of the state and businesses that support them directly. It's pretty rare that you'll see a person in congress turn down legislation that has benefit at home even if it hurts the country as a whole.

We're all part of the problem. Want to build a wall around the border? How are we doing to do that without increasing taxes? No one wants to pay for anything. We all want fewer taxes and less government, just as long as it doesn't interfere with the agenda item that is most important to us.

We fall for the same old political speech each time: Balance the budget by cutting waste, balance the budget by economic growth, lower taxes for all, more benefits of the type that their support base is interested in. Oh and if we can pander to a demographic, regardless of it being gun-toting 2nd amendment Texan, poor immigrants, or a union or two...well, we'll throw that in there also.

I see talk on this forum about a "reset" button and inferred civil unrest or something more violent implied, but we are largely the reason why we're at this point. Want a reset? Stop behaving the same way that you've been behaving at the ballot box for the last 30+ years. Question your favorite political party or vote the other way... It'll garner some attention and might promote a little change.
by cb1000rider
Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:48 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: No 4th of July Fireworks at US Bases
Replies: 11
Views: 2236

Re: No 4th of July Fireworks at US Bases

E.Marquez wrote: BUT, honest people have to honestly discuss things as they are not how they want them to be.
The US President did not cancel any fireworks show at any US military base.
Decisions were made by the administration and congress that caused a short fall of funds, and military bases cut many things to make it work.
One of those things cut by some post commanders was a yearly entertainment event.
Thank you. The continual half-truth (at best) mud slinging really bothers me. Why can't we tell the complete truth? Why do we need to bend the facts or distort them so completely to score a point for our side.

I know what the answer will be: "Because they do it too".
Seriously, it should stop.. Maybe it works on the majority of people that just accept statements at face value, but for those of us who actually look under the covers, it's ridiculous. To me, it indicative of what type of voting public we are and sure explains how we ended up in this mess.

Honestly, if we're in a deficit and the 4th of july celebration gets cancelled - regardless of who is in power in the administration, it's a good way to call attention to a fact that seems to have been over looked for the last decade: That is, we continue to spend the way we have, my kids are going to be paying for our spending for the rest of their lives. I don't care if it's $25k or $25B. It's got to stop somewhere... Personally, if I knew in advance, I'd raise the funds privately and make that celebration happen.

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