Dragon wrote:We live on the northern side of Houston, and yes, we do plan on going out to try various guns before purchasing. My hubby would like to get himself a 9mm before long (going up from a hand-me-down Ruger .380), and I will be giving the idea of getting a .380 or 9mm some serious thought. Honestly, I'm really liking the ideal of carrying a 9mm. It just depends on wither or not I can handle it. But until we have the chance to do that, I'd just like to try and find out more about the brands of guns available. Since the Ruger 22 was the one that first peaked my interest, I figured I'd ask about it.
(( I have been wonderfully advised about the cons of choosing a 22 in this topic, so I truly am not trying to brush it off here. My first post :: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=71611 ))
You're not going wrong. Those who shoot a lot usually have at least one .22LR pistol they shoot a good bit, and the Bullet Bubble of 2013 shall pass.
Get the SR-22 now, but also look and the M&P version of the .22 as well before you do so.
Here's the fun part: Ruger's SR9 (9mm) is very similar to the .22, and S&W's M&P style .22 is designed as a .22 practice gun for the standard M&P pistol.
Shoot a decent sized 9mm and you'll love it. Most are quite soft on the shoot, and better then trying to shoot a .380 which is often erroneously suggested because its small.