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by cowhow
Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:33 am
Forum: Other States
Topic: California bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3071

Re: California bound

Man, i didn't realize just how gun unfriendly CA was until I started reading their laws for this trip. Makes me appreciate Being a Texan even more.
by cowhow
Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:38 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: California bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3071

Re: California bound

The Annoyed Man wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:I would not bring my gun to California.
I would ,if possible ,not bring my family to California.

Buena suerte amigo
I just got back from there at 12:30am Saturday morning. One word of what you eat. My wife and I have both been stricken with some kind of gastroenteritis accompanied by LW grade fevers. Pretty sure it is some thing we ate, since we both became symptomatic right at the same time.

Now about guns.... That was my post that you quoted up top. Whenever I fly to California, I just leave the guns at home. We can't carry there, and we can't have a loaded gun in the vehicle we rent, I have no confidence in airline personnel in California to deal with firearms declarations professionally, and I'm not sure that I trust hotel housekeeping not to steal it. So, there's not much point in bringing a gun on the flight.

However, when I drive to California, I carry. I bring either a .357 revolver or a 1911, and my wife brings her Kahr CW9, so that there will be no confusion about the gun's legality. On the way there, we always stop at the In 'n Out in Kingman, buy lunch, and disarm and lock up the guns in their cases since the border is just a few more miles down the road. On the way home, we always stop at a rest area just inside of Arizona right after you pass through Needles and cross the Colorado river. There, we re-arm and proceed.

We are both gray-haired and non-threatening in appearance. I could PROBABLY get away with carrying and never get caught. But the price of getting caught is too high, so I don't.Y

I lived in California for most of my life until moving to Texas in 2006. I have no plans to return there again until my mother passes. This recent trip there was probably my last until then.
Thanks for the advice. We actually plan on spending the night in Kingman before going on to the Bay Area. That was my plan to take a hard case, lock up the gun and keep it in the trunk unloaded. I agree totally that the risk is to high to tempt fate.
by cowhow
Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:15 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: California bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3071

Re: California bound

Thanks. I did see that earlier. I guess that should be plain enough but I wanted to be certain I was readimg it right. You know, old eyes can sometimes fib to you. :-)) Obviously, you always want to know and follow laws, but California isnt the most gun friendly state. For example the Glock 26 I have has mag extensions giving me more than 10 roumds. I was assume that would be a no-no to take even though the mags in stock form only have 10 rds.
by cowhow
Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:42 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: California bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3071

California bound

Over the Holidays the wife and I are travelling to the Bay area to see family. I am taking a CCW, probably a baby Glock. My cocern isnt Arizona or New Mexico. But, California is a huge concern. I dont want to lose a weapon and/or wind up in jail. From the research I've done its OK to bring the weapon into CA and to keep it loaded in my place of temporary residence. It is not OK to carry loaded in my car and must be kept in a locked hard case. Do I understand correctly? This is one post I found relating to my question.
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Jaguar wrote:
cheezit wrote:take a drive down the 2 (pch) pretty views
Um, I'm lost. What/where is the 2 and what is pch?

(who says guys don't ask directions?) :lol:
Highway 2 is the Angeles Crest Highway.........first road I ever dragged a knee on. Runs from La Cañada up to Wrightwood, topping out at a little 8,000 ft at its highest point. A beautiful drive if you've got the time.

PCH is Pacific Coast Highway, also called Highway 1.

Regarding is a communication I got a while back from a California friend of mine by the name of Frank who is LEO. I had some questions since I had been away from the state for a while, and I wanted to know about driving around there with a gun:
Hi TAM.... not that it's going to be a pleasant trip for you, but welcome back to CA. You ask some good questions so I'll try for good answers.

It doesn't matter whether your chosen gun is on roster or not so far as bringing it into the state temporarily. So long as you don't bring any mags that hold more than 10 rounds (instant felony when crossing the state line) your handguns are fine if otherwise legal where you bought them. The only exception I can think of off the top is a threaded (as in to accept a suppressor) barrel. That would be a bad thing to bring in to California. If you have an otherwise stock M&P 45 or M&P 340, you're good to go so bring them.

You'd only have to report importing a handgun into the state if you establish residence and move here. Otherwise, no worry.

{———snip about Nevada———}

California still allows you to CCW without permit on your own property or place of business. Inside your mom's property would be exempt from the Gun Free School Zone (state and federal) if there happens to be a school within 1000 feet. If you are hotelling it, the law does allow you to keep a loaded, concealable firearm in any temporary domicile, which includes a hotel room. I always have a loaded pistol in my hotel/motel room when I travel, unload it and take it with me in a locked container when I go out.

Ammo... there are no illegal rounds in CA, except tracers and chemical agent rounds. I stoke Pamela's Model 19 snub with 130 grain Gold Dot short barrel 38 +P. Both the rounds you mention are over the counter here. Bring 'em.

Traveling around with the gun.... unloaded and in a locked container is how it's done. The exemption lives in 12026 of the Penal Code. The locked trunk of a car = locked container. Glove box does not = locked container. An attache case with combo lock = locked container. The locked container covers you when passing through the magical 1000 foot from the boundary line of a school.... which are invisible and not marked in any way.

Loaded mags, or charged speedloaders in the same container with the gun, in the car or on your person DO NOT = loaded weapon so long as the gun lives in it's locked container. There is abundant case law on point. You can keep a shotgun in the car with ammo on a sidesaddle or buttcuff and the gun IS NOT loaded. If charged mag is NOT inserted in the butt of the pistol + NO round is chambered = NOT loaded.

There is a great deal of bad info, including still some LEOs, out there on this point about mags or loaders being present = loaded. That is crap, and we spend a lot of time out here educating on that. Case law, good statewide, covers that.

Should you want to try unloaded open carry, please don't. The field is littered with mines and it tends to piss off the po-po even though it's perfectly legal under state law. The gun free school zones are everywhere and there have been a couple of high profile cases, including one in LA county, where open carriers have been racked for school zone violations and convicted.

Hope all this helps and let me know if I raised more questions than I answered.


Like Frank said, Cheers.

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