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by oohrah
Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:13 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Restaurant carry
Replies: 15
Views: 16272

Re: Restaurant carry

You are probably referring to the TABC "Blue" sign. This sign must be posted by any establishment that sells alcohol for off-premises consumption (liquor stores, grocery stores, convenience stores) or sells for on-premises consumption where sales are less than 51% of their business. If you read the sign closely, it says "unlicensed possession of a weapon ... ", so this sign has absolutely no applicability to LTCers who are carrying, and they can ignore it.

What you cannot ignore is the TABC "Red" sign which applies to establishments who make 51% or more of their business form alcohol sales. Weapons are prohibited - period.

If you have an LTC, you should have been schooled on the 30.06 and 30.7 signs that do apply to LTCers who are carrying.

And if you do not have an LTC, you can't be carrying at all unless you are on your private property or in your vehicle.

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