... 6#p1126579Soccerdad1995 wrote:No, the reporter is just misstating the law. In their defense, it is a fairly common misunderstanding.MustangGlocker wrote:I just saw this story on WFAA's website. It states,So is the law really written that if I'm in a city park, such as River Legacy Park, Veterans Park, etc owned by the City of Arlington and there happens to be a school bus in the parking lot and kids playing on the play ground, I can't carry there? I understand the issues with zoo's but haven't seen regular, everyday, publicly accessed, no fee parks being possibly prohibited.You also can't have a gun in a public park if a school-sponsored event is going on there, because Texas law makes it clear. Guns are not allowed on school premises, at school activities, or in school buses. ... /444593909
There was a bill to further clarify this in the legislature this year. But I'm not sure what happened with it.
SB349 by Creighton. Died in House Calendars.
Read the first post and see Charles' write up on why the clarification shouldn't be needed but unfortunately is.