I'm just saying that the last time a group of states tried to leave the union, they were dragged back in after an estimated 620,000 men lost their lives in the line of duty. The next time a state or group of states decides that it is time to pull out of the American experiment or try to reboot it... Lets just say it will not be pretty for the US or the rest of the world.bblhd672 wrote:That would be the same "Supreme" Court that says it is constitutional to kill unborn babies by the millions, that essentially rewrote Obamacare in order to declare it constitutional? The same court that under a Clinton presidency will likely say the 2nd Amendment as we know it is no longer valid?
The words of the Declaration clearly lay out for us today what our rights are as the people to dissolve a non-working, corrupt and belligerent government.
Remaking nations is not a pretty business and not something that should be done while the evils of the current government are sufferable.
I have a hard time believing that even under Hillary
* The US government will commit enough blatant atrocities to rekindle the warrior spirit of the American People
* There are enough people who live on principle in the US and are willing to die on principle that they will rise up against an overreaching government
* Those who would rise up would have the support they needed to win against said despotic government, particularly when the masses who have in large part voted for said government have their entitlements and handouts disrupted
It is one thing to dissolve allegiance to a government that is weeks away by the fastest transport available when communication is slow at best when you are relatively self sufficient. It is another thing entirely to dissolve allegiance to a government that is at most 5 hours away by plane that has near instantaneous communication capability and a significant monopoly on force.