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by Papa_Tiger
Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:46 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Public Forum Campus Carry
Replies: 34
Views: 7072

Re: Public Forum Campus Carry

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
stash wrote:This is going to get interesting. The radio this morning reported that "about" 150 professors at UT last night signed a petition indicating that would not allow guns in their classrooms.
Do they even have the legal authority to demand it?
No and this was discussed at a public meeting on Monday in Austin.

Thank you, Charles. Follow on question.... Assuming that some professors are going to declare themselves "brave" and attempt to enforce a disarmed classroom, what legal (and wise) recourse does a student have if said professor tries to drag campus security into a staged confrontation with the student?
I'm wondering if you could follow the SB273 route since any sign that would have the force of law would have to be a proper 30.06 sign. Since the school is required to publish their guidelines on concealed carry, any self posted sign by a "brave" professor that is in contradiction of those guidelines should be easy to bring to the administration's attention. If it is not resolved quickly by the university, bringing it to the attention of the AG would likely be the next step resulting in penalties that a university is not going to want to have to pay.

It would be amusing to me if the university decided to take any assessed penalties out of the "brave" professor's pay...

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