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by RPBrown
Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:28 am
Forum: Self-Defense Reports
Topic: This Happened to Me
Replies: 15
Views: 7482

Re: This Happened to Me

I have 2 stories.
(1) Back in the late 70's, we had a German Shepherd named Queenie. We lived on a 2 acre plot with no fence. Queenie never left the yard for anything,including chasing critters. She would always greet us when we pulled into the driveway. She was also always very protective of my 3 girls. Anyway, one night we had gone to dinner and when we got home, Queenie did not greet us. I thought it was odd but maybe she was at the back of the lot and didn't see us. As you go through the front door to the house, there was a 1/2 bar between the living room and kitchen. When I went in, I could see the outline of Queenies head above the bar. I turned the light on and yep, it was her head up there just smiling as if she had gotten the fridge open and stolen some steaks. As I walk around the bar, I first noticed the glass shattered all over the floor from the patio door the next couple of steps I saw what she was grinning about. She was sitting on a man that was pretty well chewed up. His words to me were "mister, call the cops, let me go or shoot me but please get this crazy dog off of me. On a side note, one of the LEO's told me to go to the store as soon as they left and get a couple of signs that says Warning, Guard Dog on Duty and that if it came up in a civil suit, we would be covered.

(2) This is the reason that as soon as CHL was made law, I got mine. Back in the early 80's I was working on a 100 ton chiller (A/C unit) that was inside a fenced in enclosure. It was pretty loud inside that fence so I didn't hear the gate open but as I am squatted down, I have a gun stuck to the back of my head. He told me to give him my wallet. So I handed him my wallet and he grabbed by tool bucket and left. I had just gotten paid and cashed my check so he got away with about $400.00 and about $500.00 worth of tools. From that day forward, I was carrying a pistol, even though not legal, and learned to re-position myself so that my back was not to the openings of enclosures.

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