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by RPBrown
Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:36 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10127

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

Do I think that Sandy Hook happened? Absolutly
Do I think there were inaccuracies reported? Again absolutly.

What I have a problem with and if I were one of the family members of a victim, is the continuos reporting of the tragedy, the arraignment, and the funerals. Even to this day there are still reports of something to do with the shooting. I would think that if I were a family member, it would only remind me daily of my loss and make me more angry each showing. The news media, especially those on the left, are sensationalizing this for their own agenda, the AWB.

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