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by chuck j
Mon May 25, 2015 9:48 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights
Replies: 43
Views: 6034

Re: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights

Right2Carry wrote:
chuck j wrote:I understand and agree Jumping Frog . I also as mentioned have many concerns pertaining to the program . The only good thing about it is that their membership is dwindling as is Boy Scouts . I never thought I would be glad of that .
Did you ever look at American Heritage Girls? They broke off from the Girl Scouts and are doing quite well." onclick=";return false;

Statement of Faith." onclick=";return false;).pdf

The Heritage Girls is a fine program , my daughter is nearly seventeen years old now and involved in several school and church programs . We are maxed out for time due to prior obligations but I would recommend them highly .
by chuck j
Mon May 25, 2015 6:34 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights
Replies: 43
Views: 6034

Re: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights

I understand and agree Jumping Frog . I also as mentioned have many concerns pertaining to the program . The only good thing about it is that their membership is dwindling as is Boy Scouts . I never thought I would be glad of that .
by chuck j
Mon May 25, 2015 5:35 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights
Replies: 43
Views: 6034

Re: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights

I understand the Girl Scouts , My daughter is sixteen now . I started her in Daisy Girl Scouts when she was six , I was a leader . When I started her I quickly discovered the program was morphing into a feminist movement . We live in a small community and the school allowed the scouts to use the cafeteria to meet there on Thursday evening , there would be eighty or so girls every week . Our community is predominantly Christian but prayer , anything with 'Christ" (Christmas , Christmas tree) was not allowed . LOL , We were allowed to have 'Snowy Days" instead of Christmas and there could be no special attention given to the twenty fifth of December . We were denied to let the girls put up a Christmas tree on the stage in the cafeteria like they had always done in past years .

This is but one little story , I tried talking to the local Girl Scout Council and even the one's at the top of the Girl Scout ladder to no avail . Anyway the cafeteria is silent on Thursday evenings now , there is no Scout troop here and it is a shame .

( for those that might be interested . We DID have prayer , we did put up TWO Christmas trees and and no parent complained )
by chuck j
Sun May 24, 2015 7:32 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights
Replies: 43
Views: 6034

Re: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights

Right2Carry wrote:
chuck j wrote:Right2Carry I hate to bust your bubble but the Boy Scouts are under their control , the Girl Scouts are under their control . How long will ANY worthwhile youth group last , look how fast they gutted the others .
No they are not and the American Heritage Girls have been going strong for 18 years. Go look at the oath Adult Leaders must adhere to in Trail Life. You won't find the below in any shape or form in BSA especially the part about sexuality existing between a man and a woman through marriage. ... th-values/" onclick=";return false;

Right2Carry I truly agree with you that the organizations you listed are great programs for our kids , we completely agree . They will be attacked by the liberal/transgender/political 'whatever' because the 'whatever' can not allow them to provide a successful standard that would make their sick and perverted efforts to be seen for what they are . The worthwhile and good must be destroyed so as to not make themselves proved so obviously wrong .
Thank you for posting sir ! I pray parents will check into your advice is sound .
by chuck j
Sun May 24, 2015 1:21 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights
Replies: 43
Views: 6034

Re: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights

Right2Carry I hate to bust your bubble but the Boy Scouts are under their control , the Girl Scouts are under their control . How long will ANY worthwhile youth group last , look how fast they gutted the others .
by chuck j
Sun May 24, 2015 6:47 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights
Replies: 43
Views: 6034

Re: BSA Bans Water Gun Fights

I don't like reading these type topics , it is depressing . Everything morally good that has taken the life of our country to build has been torn down as we sit Idle and complain . Afraid of political incorrectness , too apathetic and self indulgent we are the ones that handed all we claimed to hold so dear to ......................."them". Finding reasons we can not maintain what we "believe" is a cheap excuse .

OH! I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings .

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