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by wheelgun1958
Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:54 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Road Rage - BMW and maybe Middle Eastener or white
Replies: 12
Views: 2822

Re: Road Rage - BMW and maybe Middle Eastener or white

I did a lot of cycling in my twenties. I rode in the traffic lane about a foot from the white line. I refused to ride on the shoulder. Have you looked at the road shoulders and the debris in them? It doesn't take much to destroy those skinny tires. If you have a blowout at 12-15 mph and go down you can be sprawled out quite a bit and placed in the direct line of traffic. I respect cyclists but one must remember with rights come responsibilities. I rode my bicycle as one would a motorcycle respecting all laws and common courtesies. I had some close calls but never was involved in an accident. Some altercations are unavoidable but must be handled in a judicious manner. A firm defensive stance on the opposite side of my bicycle with a confident statement of "I highly recommend you get back in your pickup and leave" worked just fine a few times. "If you don't come and get your dog I'll shoot it" worked once too.

Unfortunately not all cyclists see life as I did/do.


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