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by wheelgun1958
Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:24 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?
Replies: 63
Views: 7635

Re: group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?

Keith B wrote:I would have called the police first, without confronting them. All confronting them does is irritate them, they do their deads and leave before the police get there. If you call the police first, don't let them see you, then the police are the witness that they were actually on your car, and if there is any damage, even if you can't get money out of the thugs for repairs, your insurance will have another witness.

Now, as for legal, once they started doing damage to the car, this is criminal mischief. If it is happening at night, legally you can use deadly force. HOWEVER, that would be a dumb thing to do IMO. Taking a life over someone doing repairable damage to your car is not what carrying is about. Besides, you will have a lot less hassle and paperwork to do on the car damage than you will a shooting investigation.

Threat of deadly force is not deadly force. PC 9.04

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