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by wheelgun1958
Thu May 27, 2010 12:55 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Wrong Address at 3 a.m. leads to arrests, $15K settlement
Replies: 13
Views: 2103

Re: Wrong Address at 3 a.m. leads to arrests, $15K settlemen

More jackbooted thugs watching too much (reality) tv. These kind of people do not belong in such position. Likewise these 'tactical' teams need to be disbanded nationwide. I remember watching cop shows on tv in the '70s where the 'tactical' team was ridiculed by the street cops as unnecessary. Even in England (The Thin Blue Line) they were mocked. I even remember an op-ed article in the Washington Post July 18 1997 from a former DC officer decrying their exploding growth.


"The Post's June 17 front-page story described the growth of SWAT teams in American police departments {"Exploding Number of SWAT Teams Sets Off Alarms"}. I was a member of the District's Metropolitan Police Department for 22 years, and I see the continued growth of SWAT teams as not only further isolating a traditionally isolated occupation but increasing personal danger for the officers themselves. In this I agree fully with Joseph McNamara, a former police chief in San Jose and Kansas City, who was quoted in the story."

copy available here

It has since gotten out of hand.

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