When I first got my CHL, my wife just had the attitude that she would humor me...that I would just 'get over it' at some point. She and my daughter humored me when I said we were going to have a class on 'what to do when'...
When I didn't 'get over it' like she thought I would, that's when she started asking the questions like, "do you have to carry it everywhere?"...or "we are just going to church!"
After the first half dozen times sha asked, "is it loaded?!" to which my response was something to the effect of, "it wouldn't do me much good if it wasn't", she stopped asking.
It has been a gradual acceptance so far. I keep a loaded Ruger MKII target pistol in her nightstand and she has gotten used to the idea that it was there.
Later she allowed me to place the Model60 Smith in my 18yo daughter's nightstand. My daughter is very proficient with that pistol at the range and her bedroom is in the other side of the house. If someone is in the living room, they are between me and her. She understands that, when the alarm goes off in the house, she imediately opens the drawer and get's the pistol into her hands. And that if the alarm is going off and someone opens her bedroom door that she does not recognize and does not Identify themselves to her, she is to not pass go, not collect $200...she is to squeeze the trigger.
A few weeks ago, my daughters boyfriend came over unexpectedly. He opens the door to the garage and the chime sounds (one of my pet peeves is him being allowed to just walk into my house). My wife's eyes go wide. I can see in her eyes, "what did he tell me to do in those silly classes?...what did he tell me to do?..." She told me later she remembered that I said she was to grab a cell phone and make a beeline to the master bedroom closet (picking up a firearm if there was one available on the way) and call 911 and was ready if I gave the word. She is starting to gradually realize that while she was 'humoring me', I wasn't so silly afterall.
My point is, those in your household need to know their role (in the home and out and about) if you ever have to goto your gun.
Just my two cents adjusted for inflation...
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- by RogueUSMC
- Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:11 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Getting CHL and Wife issue
- Replies: 61
- Views: 9619
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