There is a group of friends here locally that go out and take bag meals to homeless every Saturday night. The bag has a sandwich, chips, a piece of fruit and a cookie or something. We make PB&J for the kids and ham or turkey w/lettuce and tomato for the adults...all served with canned cokes or bottled water with hot coffee on the side.CHLLady wrote:I pointed out this one panhandler that was wearing ironed blue jeans and had a really nice backpack. Sometimes it's hard to tell who is legit.
We try to provide other needs as well (sleeping bags, tents, etc.). Sometimes the clothes and shoes we get them are not your budget clothing. They are all donations. Occasionally, I will use my discount where I work to get someone some steel toe boots for a job or something.
Sometimes it is hard to tell the moochers from the truly needy, but I figured I have done my part. They will be accountable for their motivations, not me. Just calling someone by name who the rest of society disregards makes more of a difference than you will ever know.