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by NcongruNt
Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:34 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15131

G.C.Montgomery wrote:
NcongruNt wrote:....I've tamed my styles a little bit in the past few years, but here's a picture of me in May of 2005 (2 years before I got my CHL and started carrying) wearing the above-mentioned photography vest. At this point in my life, I had never even touched a handgun, let alone carried one. Does my outfit shout "carrying a concealed weapon"?
You're not going to like it but yes, I'd have suspected you carried AT LEAST one handgun, if not more, several knives and I might even have wondered if I could find some illegal drugs on your person. Why? I have a friend who works narcotics for an agency in another city. The wardrobe and haircut in the photo perfectly matches the way he dresses when working undercover, particularly when posing as a buyer/seller of crystal meth in certain neighborhoods. It also matches the wardrobe and haircut of known criminals in certain east Houston neighborhoods.

But, that's me. I grew up the son of a cop in east Houston. I'd learned how to spot the dealers on the street and their customers in my neighborhood by the time I hit third-grade. I'm sure that if I grabbed Suzie Homemaker or Johnny Nobody from the suburbs and asked them if it looked like you were carrying a gun or contraband they might say "No." Everyone has different prior experiences and knowledge that influence the way they see the world.
Interesting, considering the fact that I've never been in possession of, let alone used any kind of illegal drug, and at that point was not carrying a knife or gun.

I guess I look like a drug dealer? I've never been detained or questioned in relation to such matters. Perhaps a simple picture doesn't really accurately convey the way most people perceive me in person. I've asked several LEOs (around the time this picture was taken, actually) what kind of vibe they got off of me. They always answered that they do not perceive me to be criminal, and to be an honest person. They seemed to pick this up from my demeanor and eyes.

Nowadays, I'm told I sometimes look like I'm in some sort of mafia - especially when I wear an outfit like this:


I believe I was wearing that same outfit when I met seamusTX and El Gato in Galveston. What were your impressions when you met me?
by NcongruNt
Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:14 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fact or Urban (CCW) Legend ?
Replies: 77
Views: 15131

seamusTX wrote:
HankB wrote:IMHO, nothing screams "Carrying a Concealed Weapon" louder than a vest . . .
Several people have met me wearing a vest. I wear them all the time in cooler weather. (I'm not fashion conscious.)

Jbirds, Ncongruent, Llwatson?

- Jim
I think I remember looking Jim over to see if he was carrying when we hung out. If he was, he hid it well. He may have been wearing a vest, but it certainly didn't seem out of place if he was. I know plenty of folks who wear vests who don't carry.

I used to wear vests all the time, long before I had my CHL. I tend to carry around a lot of stuff, and vest pockets are nice. I used to do a lot of photography work, and have a specific vest I carried for those purposes. I tend to wear long pants all year round, and generally some sort of button-up shirt over the top - nearly always since I've been carrying. I haven't carried with a vest yet, but it is something I have considered. I don't think it would be in any way conspicuous, as this is the way I have dressed for years. I've tamed my styles a little bit in the past few years, but here's a picture of me in May of 2005 (2 years before I got my CHL and started carrying) wearing the above-mentioned photography vest. At this point in my life, I had never even touched a handgun, let alone carried one. Does my outfit shout "carrying a concealed weapon"?


I think my biggest point is that if you're wearing something as a cover garment, don't make it look that way. Put forth enough effort so that it is part of what you are wearing, instead of something you've simply added to your normal clothes.

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