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by NcongruNt
Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:30 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Pulled over a future CHL lady
Replies: 20
Views: 4645

Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady

Just as a small clarification, a handgun does not have to be concealed if directly en route to or from home and the range (or hunting or whatever if the firearm is used in the activity). It's the same reason you can open carry a sidarm hunting, if it's something you could use during your hunting activities.

See TPC 46.15(b)(4):

Code: Select all

        § 46.15.  NONAPPLICABILITY.
        (b)  Section 46.02 does not apply to a person who:
                (4)  is engaging in lawful hunting, fishing, or other sporting activity on the immediate premises where the activity is conducted, or is en route between the premises and the actor's residence, if the weapon is a type commonly used in the activity;
Not that I'd recommend it really, but that there's the law. I have a friend who owned a range who was pulled over en route from the range to his house, open carrying a pistol on his hip, and it was no problem.

Good interaction gigag04. The APD tend to act surprised and a little weirded out when I tell them I'm carrying. Their universal response when I hand them my CHL is "you don't have it on you, do you?", and then when I reply in the affirmative, they act a little taken aback and give a "well, don't go for it" or something similar.

For the record, All my APD interactions while a CHLer have been calls to them making a report on a suspicious person, vehicle break in, or folks fist fighting in public.

DPS officers, on the other hand, have been unconcerned and ask something more like "do you have your gun with you?", and then don't mention it at all again after I answer in the affirmative.

My one interaction with a Texas Ranger (in my home, but he needed my ID so I handed him the CHL as well) was to immediately hand the CHL back and say "I don't need that". That interaction ended in a conversation about his choice in carry guns (he alternates between a 1911 and a Sig, depending on the season) and my choice in carry ammo (Gold Dot 124 grain +P, which he approved of as the only acceptable choice in 9mm). The Rangers are pretty cool dudes.

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